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Reserve a Museum Exploration Pass
For venue access not limited to a specific date, consider:
- Discount tickets which can be purchased at the library for the American Museum of Natural History, Long Island Aquarium, Adventureland Amusement Park (Adventureland tickets sold out for the season), and The Adventure Park at Long Island (Wheatley Heights). CLICK HERE for more information.
↓ Read the Terms and Conditions and scroll to the bottom of the page to Accept and reserve a pass ↓
Who can reserve a museum pass?
Adults, 18 years and older, with an Emma Clark Library card in good standing.
How do I know whether to pick up or print out my pass?
The majority of our passes are Print-on-Demand passes. These are marked with a printer icon . Those without the printer icon are "Pick-up passes".
What if the museum is closed during the time I have my museum pass?
You are responsible for planning your trip. Be sure to check the museum’s hours before you reserve a museum pass. You can click on the link to get pass details, directions and a link to the museum's website.
How often can I reserve a museum pass?
To ensure fair access for all, you may not visit any museum more than once a month nor reserve more than one pass for use on a given day. Passes may be reserved up to 30 days in advance.
Does a museum pass grant admission to all museum-affiliated events/exhibits?
No, not all events/exhibits are covered by an Emma Clark Library museum pass and any additional fees are the patron’s responsibility. Please contact the museum directly for specific information.
How do I reserve a museum pass?
Reserve a Print-on-Demand pass for the day you plan to visit the museum. You can print the pass from the reservation page or by using the link in your confirmation email. These passes can be reserved online, by phone, or in-person at the Adult Reference Desk, up to 30 days in advance of your museum visit.
How do I reprint my museum pass if I lose my printout?
You may reprint the pass using the link in your confirmation email or ask a librarian at the Reference Desk to print the pass for you.
How long can I keep a museum pass?
Print-on-Demand passes are valid only for the reservation date listed on the pass.
Can I use the museum pass multiple times?
No. Print-on-Demand passes may be used only one time and only on the date reserved which is printed on the pass.
What do I need to bring to the museum?
You must bring the printed pass with you to the museum. Electronic versions—on smartphones or tablets—are not accepted by most museums. You should also bring your library card and photo ID.
How do I cancel my reservation?
Print-on-Demand passes cannot be cancelled.
How do I reserve a museum pass?
Pick-up Passes can be reserved online, by phone, or in person at the Reference Desk. Reserve the date that you want to pick up the pass. Passes cannot be picked up before this date but may be picked up and returned at any time during the reserved loan period. Your confirmation email lists both the pickup date and the due date.
Can I pick up a museum pass without making a reservation?
Passes must be reserved prior to picking them up at the Circulation Desk, but you can reserve an available pass and pick it up on the same day.
How do I pick up my museum pass?
Bring the library card used to make the reservation (and the library card of the adult picking up the pass, if different) to the Circulation Desk to claim your reserved pass. A Museum Pass User Agreement must be signed each time you check out a pass. If the adult picking up the pass and signing the user agreement is not the same as the one who made the reservation, you will need to show both library cards in order to check out the pass.
How long can I keep a museum pass?
The pass may be picked up any time after 10:00 a.m. on your Pickup Date and will be checked out to the Emma Clark Library card that was used to make the reservation. The pass is due back to the library no later than ONE HOUR before closing on the pass due date. The due date will be listed on the slip given to you at checkout and in your confirmation email. If the library is closed on the due date, the pass can be returned without penalty through the book drop any time before 9 a.m. on the next day that the library is open.
Can I renew a museum pass?
No, museum passes cannot be renewed.
How do I return my museum pass?
The pass must be returned no later than ONE HOUR before the library closes on the due date either through the book drop or in person at the Circulation Desk.
What do I need to bring to the museum?
You should bring the museum pass, photo ID and your library card.
Can I visit the museum multiple times while I have the pass?
Most museums will allow you to enter the museum more than once while the pass is in your possession.
What if I return my pass late?
A late fee of $10 per day will automatically be charged to your account.
What if the library is closed for a holiday/emergency?
If the library is closed for any reason on the due date, the pass is due back before 9:00 a.m. on the next day that the library is open. It can be returned through the book drop.
What happens if I lose or damage the museum pass or the travel pouch?
As stated in our user agreement, if the museum pass is lost or damaged, you have agreed to pay a $50 replacement fee.
What happens if I don’t pick-up my reserved pass?
It is your responsibility to cancel unneeded reservations in advance. If you reserve, but do not pick up, a pass, a “no-show” will be marked on your account. Repeated “no-shows” may result in your reservation privileges being temporarily suspended.
How do I cancel my reservation?
You may cancel your reservation by calling the Reference Desk at (631) 941-4080, ext. 127. This will free the pass for another to use.
The Library is not responsible for any pickups missed because the library was closed, regardless of the reason, nor is the library responsible if your reserved pass is not available when expected.
By clicking “Accept”, I indicate that I have read and understood the above.
**Please check directly with the institution for current guidelines. It is the patron’s responsibility to inquire about any limited hours/services, additional fees, vaccination requirements, or timed reservations prior to their visit.**
Contact Us
Emma S. Clark Memorial Library
120 Main Street
Setauket, NY 11733
e: askus@emmaclark.org
M - F: 9:30 am – 9 pm
Sat: 9 am – 5 pm
Sun: 10 am – 5 pm
Level Up Kitchen Library Café hours are as follows:
M - F: 10:30 am – 7 pm
Sat: 9 am – 4:30 pm
Sun: 10 am – 4:30 pm