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Local Focus – Local Authors Collection

Local FocusContinuing its tradition of recognizing and encouraging all writers in the community, the Emma S. Clark Memorial Library invites authors who live or work in and around the Three Village community to donate one copy of each of their published books to the library for inclusion in our Local Focus collection, established in 2013 with the following guidelines:

  • The collection will be shelved alphabetically by author keeping the focus where it belongs–on the author.
  • Though the majority of the Local Focus collection will be housed in the main library, those titles deemed to have both content and language more appropriate for children will be shelved in the Children’s Room.
  • Books will accessible through the library catalog, searchable by both title and author.
  • Although older titles that have not circulated recently may be moved to storage, all titles added to the Local Focus collection will remain in the catalog and be available on request for three years, after which time they will be withdrawn from the collection.
  • Authors represented in the collection are invited and encouraged to provide brief (no more than one page) biographies to introduce themselves to the community.  Authors who would like to get community feedback may include contact information.
  • For forms and information, contact the Adult Reference Department (askus@emmaclark.org / 631.941.4080 ext. 115).


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Browse Child Local Focus Authors/Titles