Meet Local Authors – 4/26

Here’s your chance to meet many of the authors right in your own backyard!
Please join us on Sunday, April 26 at 1:30 p.m., for a celebratory reception in our historic 1890’s periodical reading room. This event is a chance for the public to meet many of the author-neighbors whose works they’ve come to know – or hope to know – through the library’s Local Focus Collection. Following the festive reception, there will be light refreshments and an informal book-signing opportunity downstairs in the Vincent R. O’ Leary Community Room.
No registration is necessary for the general public. If, however, you are a local author, please let us know by April 15 if you will be able to join us so that we can honor you properly. Registration is only necessary for authors.
The following authors are attending the reception:
Victoria Ardito (who writes as Gina Ardito)Vincent GirolamoLinda Gaul (who writes as L. L. Cartin)David HicksPriscilla E. PrattDouglas ReinaMark RobinsonMarcia GraceKenneth Wishnia
The Local Focus Collection, which began in 2013, invites authors who live or work in and around the Three Village Community to donate one copy of each of their published books to the library. With the advent of this collection, “our” authors gained a way to speed their books to library shelves (and readers) without having to wait for their books to be professionally reviewed. We welcome books written for both adults and children. Full details about this collection and how you can add your title(s) are available at the Adult Reference Desk.
Since its inception, the Local Focus Collection has far exceeded our original expectations, and it continues to grow through the authors’ generosity! We’re thrilled to honor these authors who have shared their work with the community and enriched the library’s collection.