Kids, Redeem Your Raffle Tickets & Log Books by 2/28!

Kids, join our Dr. Seuss-themed Winter Reading Club! Why?
😄Read ANY books! We don’t tell you what to read – it’s up to you!
😄Weekly electronic raffle tickets!
😄No pressure…come into the Library as little or as much as you’d like!
😄Reach your goal and receive a prize bag! ALL kids who reach their goal receive a prize bag!
😄And for the parents – when kids report the books that they’ve read, it gives them confidence and encourages a lifelong love of reading.
Now the details:
Click here to register. It’s through Beanstack (same online program as Summer Reading). Or call us at 631-941-4080, ext. 123. Registration is on-going throughout January & February, so don’t worry if you’re “late” to register. Read any books you want and log them in by February 28. For kids birth – 6th grade.
Here are your Dr. Seuss-themed goals:
“Thing 1 & Thing 2” – Pre-Readers: for the children that have books read to them. Your goal will be to read at least 10 books with your grownup.
“Green Eggs & Ham-ers” – New Readers: for the children that are just starting or have only recently begun to read by themselves. Your goal will be to read at least 5 books on your reading level.
“The Grinches” – Confident Readers: for the children that read on their own. Your goal will be to read at least 2 books on your reading level.
All kids who reach their goal…starting Tuesday, February 16, come in and pick up a prize bag!
We also have 2 raffle prizes. Earn an electronic raffle ticket for each week you log in to your Beanstack account and complete the weekly activity. WRC ends on Sunday, Feb. 28. Raffle prize winners will be announced on Monday, Mar. 1.
Questions? Email or call 631.941.4080 ext. 123.
Emma Clark employees, trustees, and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter raffles.