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Social Work Service is Back

Graduate Students in Social Work from SBU to Answer Your Questions – Each Week at the Library

Stony Brook University’s School of Social Welfare student interns are on-site at the Library each week during designated hours to answer questions, help with filling out forms, or seek referrals. Inquiries that they may assist with include, but are not limited to, employment/job search, housing, paying utility bills, applying for benefits, education, medical assistance, mental health issues, bullying, domestic abuse, substance use, LGBTQIA+ topics, care coordination, and voting pre-registration.

Hours are as follows (starting Tuesday, Sept. 3:

Tuesdays, 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Alyssa)
Thursdays, 4:30 – 8:15 p.m. (Stephanie)
Saturdays. 10:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. (Stephanie)

The social work interns will not be available on the following dates due to their schedules and SBU’s calendar: Sat. Sept. 28, Tues. Oct. 15, Sat. Nov. 30, Thurs. Dec. 5, Sat. Dec. 7, or Dec. 16 – Jan. 4 (Winter Break).

This service is open to all ages. The social work intern meets with patrons in the Small Study Room on the Lower Level. Appointments are not required but strongly encouraged. Appointments can be made as early as a week in advance. Click here to reserve your timeslot. Or call 631.941.4080 and ask for the Reference Desk.

Conversations will be kept confidential; this is a safe and welcoming environment.

The social work interns are training to become Licensed Clinical Social Workers. They are at Emma Clark Library to answer questions but are not a therapist; referrals will be given to people looking for clinical therapy. They are a mandated reporter for cases of neglect, abuse, or harm.

Questions? Email askus@emmaclark.org